Video & Data & RC Wireless Transmission System
M50/M51 is a highly integrated wireless transmission system which can transmit FHD video, data, RC signal simultaneously. The transmission distance of M50 is 7km, while M51 is 17km. It has three frequency bands: 800MHz, 1.4GHz, 2.4GHz.User can set the frequency they need through the web page or software. It has rich interfaces:HDMI/SDI/CVBS,UART, SBUS,Ethernet. It very suitable for drone industry application.

"All in one"Transmission
The air unit has HDMI/SDI/CVBS/ETH port, which can be used for video input.The ground unit has HDMI/EHT port,which can be used for video output.The device also has two UART ports and SBUS port, which can be use for data and RC transmission.

Ultra-Long distance transmission
The maximum transmission distance of M50 is 7km,While M51 is 17km, under the condition of line of sight.

There are three frequency bands you can use:800MHz,1.4GHz,2.4GHz. The 2.4GHz has obtained CE and SRRC certification.User can select the frequency they need through the web page or Maestro Assitant.
*Please select the frequency that comply with local laws and regulations.Frequency hopping mode and fixed mode

With the advanced communication technology,M51 can work on frequency hopping mode or fixed mode. When you need to use up to 4 drones in the same place, please selcet fixed mode and narrow bandwidth.

Ultra-Low latency when transmit FHD video
With the advanced CODEC technology,the data latency is below 30ms, the 1080P60 video lantency within 200ms.

There are two working mode of M51: point point mode and repeater mode.When you need to transmit signal under non-line-of-sight condition, please select repeater mode.You only need to buy one more air unit and easily set working mode throuth web page or Maestro Assitant.

M51 adopts double encryption technology to ensure the security of wireless video and data transmission.User can enable this function and set your private code through web page and software.

M50/M51 supports most of the gimbal on the market,including HDMI/SDI/CVBS/Ethernet port.The UART supports two protocols:Mavlink and Transparent.The Uart has TTL or RS232 level. Please give us the details when ordering.